You saw a need. You developed a plan. You applied for a public grant and got it. Congratulations—you are now a provider agency! Along with your new status, you now have some hefty new compliance requirements. You need a knowledgeable legal consultant to help you build your organization and contribute to governance and operations oversight.

Staying Ahead of Head Start

Jaffe Dickerson Legal and Consulting is committed to the success of educational entities. Jaffe Dickerson is expert in the art and science—and business and politics—of education and education law. He supports educational organizations at all levels, from Early Head Start through higher education.

For decades, Jaffe has worked closely with community support programs—especially Head Start grantees and delegate agencies—to help them make sure they remain in compliance even as regulations shift around them. If you are in this field, you know it isn’t enough to have someone with a law degree on your governing board: regulations require programs to have access to a licensed attorney familiar with Head Start. Jaffe Dickerson is this resource.

Bringing Your Mission into Focus

In addition to legal counsel, Jaffe also provides strategic guidance to the organizations he represents. If a serious rift arises between the Office of Head Start and a program grantee, or between the agency's board and its Policy Council or Policy Committee, Jaffe can provide mediation or representation in arbitration so that agencies can resolve their internal differences and return to the work at hand.

Jaffe adheres to the highest standards of ethics and service, offering realistic guidance and seeking cost-effective recommendations that respect his clients’ resources and mission. In addition to legal representation, his services for educational entities include compliance investigations, legal consulting, and strategic advising for institutions at all levels—including grant-holders and delegate agencies in Early Head Start or Head Start, K–12 schools and school districts, colleges and universities, and graduate/professional schools.